Research & Development

Doctrine of Women Unilateral Khula In 2010, Maryam launched an innovative research programme titled as “The Notion of Release from Marriage Ties Obtained by Wife upon Payment of a Compensation:  Unilateral Khula (Iftida‘i)”. The research intended to establish a legal ground for dissolution of marriage contract in case of serious repugnance that the will of […]

Our results for Businesses

Mohaghegh & Associates fends off a $545000 damage suit In January 2016, the Court of Appealing decided that Analytik Jena AG, represented by Mohaghegh & Associates had won its battle against an Iranian chemical company. The case concerned a cross-border transaction and the claimant had filed a damage claim petition for breaching the contract. To […]

Our results for Individuals

Maryam Mohaghegh, the founder of Mohaghegh & Associates changes the law in favour of mothers! In 2000, Maryam proposal to change the custody law was accepted by the Law Reform Commission. That was a big contribution to improve mother’s right to child custody. Before then, s 1169 of Iran Civil Act (1928) restricted the mother’s […]